
Characters in Glamorous Gladiators are naturally called Gladiators. These are people that live to fight, or fight to level. They generally have immense power, and won’t hesitate to use violence.

Glam Every Gladiator is Glamorous, though what that means will vary from person to person. Glamor isn’t something tied to a single number or stat, it’s reflected in everything a character does.

A fundamental question that for every Gladiator is: What does glam mean to you?

You can answer this before character creation and use it to inform your stats, aspects, assets, and special techniques. Or you can go through and generate those character traits first, and use them to inspire what your Gladiator might find Glam.

Some options for Glam might include:


Characters are made up of 4 stats, that define the ways that you can approach any challenge. Choose your distribution and assign the dice to your 4 stats

Distribution Dice
Generalist d8,d6,d6,d6
Adept d8,d8,d6,d4
Specialist d10,d6,d6,d4


Aspects help define your character, you start with 3 aspects, one at a d8 and 2 at a d6

Rate one aspect at a d8 and the others at a d6.

Negative aspects - A regret you have, a weakness in your technique

Rate one negative aspect at a d8 and the other at a d6


Rate one of your signature assets at a d8, and the other at a d6. Temporary assets are always rated at d6.

Additional trait: Special Techniques - special fighting techniques that can be used under certain conditions OR by spending Spark.

Special techniques relate to what your fighting style is and what weapon you wield. You can start with one special technique at a d8, or with 2 special techniques rated d4 and d6.

Some things that special techniques can allow you to do:

All of these things take the form of adding more dice to your pool, raising a die in your pool, creating scene assets for anyone to use, dealing harm to enemies, or creating conditions on enemies.

Some conditions for activating a special technique might be:

Be sure to tie your special techniques to your glam. If you like to use range and remain untoched, a special technique to retreat while attacking could be useful. Or if your glamor is related to strength, the ability to take a large hit and keep going would be thematic.

Types of Powers to inspire your glam or special techniques: