Supernatural Sapphics

Supernatural Sapphics is a Distortion Dice role playing game for 2 or more Players. One of whom takes the role of the Top, who runs the world and many of the characters in it. The others take the role Bottoms, which are the main characters of the story.

This game uses several polyhedral dice and optionally tokens to represent Drive.

Supernatural Sapphics is meant to tell the stories of the messy queer relationships of beings of the veil such as cryptids, vampires, ghosts, witches, and the humans close to them.

All of the characters are very hot, very queer, and very flawed, but remember you are playing with real people that have real feelings.

As such you should maintain open communication to ensure all players are comfortable and having fun.

We recommend the use of tools like the X-card, Lines & veils, and Script Change to help with this.

A pdf of this game is available on itch



Assign a D10, D8, D6, and D4 to your Stats.


Positive Aspects

Answer and assign a d8, d6, d6, and d4 below:

Negative Aspects

Set one negative aspect to d8 and the others to d6


Write a statement describing your relationship for each other Bottom and Doll. Set 1 to d10, 1 to d8, 2 to d6, and the rest to d4


Stress is gained from the negative consequences of rolls Each track starts at 4

Become Overwhelmed if Stress is raised above 12.

Lower Stress once when taking a moment to breathe.

1-3 times when another character helps calm you down

Reset track to 4 when you Re-evaluate a relationship


Drive Starts at 1

Spend 1 Drive to:

Spend 5 Drive to:

Re-evaluate a Relationship

Triggered by Drive or Overwhelm. Re-write one relationship.

Optionally raise one relationship die and lower another. If used during a roll, use the Relationship die twice in your pool.

Bottom Principles

You are playing flawed individuals who often don’t fully think things through when making decisions. You are encouraged to engage in Toxic, manipulative, and self-destructive behavior in pursuit of your goals. Think of your Bottom as one of the main characters in a Dramatic TV show.


Roll when you want to affect other people or when in a risky situation. Use the following procedure:

  1. Determine the Initiator and the Responder
  2. Choose the Stat the best matches your approach
  3. Add in relevant Aspects
  4. Add in your Relationship die. Use the die rating if you are acting in accordance to the Relationship statement, or a d4 otherwise
  5. Add in the opposing Stress that matches their Stat
  6. Optionally Spend Drive to improve your odds
  7. Roll. Keep Effect (highest) and Effort (lowest)
  8. Compare. Higher Effect wins the exchange 5+ higher is a Resounding Success with more impact. Higher Effort gets to add a small etail in their favor. Initiator wins Effect ties and loses Effort ties. Deal 1 Stress for each negative consequence
  9. Get 1 Drive for each Stress dealt and Negative Aspect invoked


The first step in running the game is to establish where the game takes place, and what tone the game will have.


As a group, decide what sort of tone the game should take. Reference or roll on the table below to help establish the tone.

D4 Tone
1 Comedic
2 Over the Top Drama
3 Dark and Gritty
4 Dramedy


Decide what sort of environment the game is set in. You can roll or choose from the table below, or simply use it as inspiration.

D6 Setting
1 Tropical
2 Forest
3 Mountainous
4 Swamp
5 Desert
6 Plains

Decide what sort of settlement your story takes place in or near

D6 Settlement
1 A small rural village
2 A sprawling metropolis
3 A bustling trade port
4 A popular tourist town
5 An isolated bastion
6 A sparsely populated rural area

Go around the table, and have every player (including yourself) suggest an important location

The Situation

The second step is to create a situation, and the people involved in it D6 | Situation :- | :- 1 | There’s a hot new being of the veil 2 | There’s a hot new mortal 3 | Someone is searching for beings of the veil 4 | A construction project is affecting the veil 5 | Something new is using the power of the veil 6 | A being of the veil is risking exposure


Roll on the table below to Create 3-5 NPCs

NPCs come in two forms

Dolls are important NPCs that come with their own relationships and stress tracks. Create 2 or more Dolls.

Extras are simple NPCs that are essentially part of the environment that can talk. Extras do not have Stats and are instead represented my a single die and possibly an Aspect or two. Create 4 or more Extras.

D8 Attitude Build Style Type
1 Ambitious Tall Butch Witch
2 Nervous Short Femme Mothperson
3 Curious Athletic Cottagecore Fae
4 Territorial Thicc Futch Vampire
5 Sleepy Muscular Punk Ghost
6 Greedy Thin Nerdy Human
7 Loyal Mom-bod Professional Bigfoot
8 Vengeful Fat Outdoorsy Alien

Give Each Doll a D10, D6, D6, and D4 for Stats. A D8 and D6 Positive Aspect, and a D6 Negative Aspect.

Extras are by default just a D8 that describes them, and possibly a D6 Aspect or two.

Give each Doll a d8 important Relationship with another character. 1 or 2 d6 mildly important Relationships. All unlisted Relationships are a d4.

Extras do not have Relationships.


Drive: Start with 1 for each Bottom

Spend 1 Drive to:

Spend 5 Drive to:

Gain 1 Drive when a Bottom spends Drive on a roll or when they Re-evaluate a Relationship.


Dolls have Stress just like Bottoms, and can become Overwhelmed and unable to act for the rest of the scene if any Stress is raised above 12.

Obstacles and Extras that take multiple actions to overcome or manipulate have a Progress Track.

The progress track starts at a d4. Success steps up by 1, Resounding Success steps up by 2. Complexity determines the goal die size.

There can be more than one Progress Track if there are competing goals

Complexity/Length Progress Track Goal
Simple D8
Somewhat Simple D10
Somewhat Complex D12
Complex Above D12

Set the scene

Start the first Scene with which Player (aside from the Top) got into a new relationship most recently.

Ask what their Bottom is doing in the situation created previously.

This Scene should have the other Bottoms and NPCs that would be in that location as well.

Frame each Scene by describing the environment and which characters are there.

Start directly in the action by having some of the characters already in conflict with one another.

Create Obstacles that stand in the way of the Bottom’s goals.

Call for Rolls

Call for a roll when someone wants to affect other people or when in a risky situation. Use the following procedure

  1. Determine the Initiator and the Responder
  2. Choose the Stat the best matches your approach
  3. Add in relevant Aspects
  4. Add in your Relationship die. Use the die rating if you are acting in accordance to the Relationship statement, or a d4 otherwise
  5. Add in the opposing Stress that matches their Stat
  6. Optionally Spend Drive to improve your odds
  7. Roll. Keep Effect (highest) and Effort (lowest)
  8. Compare. Higher Effect wins the exchange 5+ higher is a Resounding Success with more impact. Higher Effort gets to add a small detail in their favor. Initiator wins Effect ties and loses Effort ties. Deal 1 Stress for each negative consequence
  9. Give Drive for Stress dealt and Negative Aspects invoked

Top Principles

You are playing the world. Make the world feel dramatic, but logically consistent.

Think of Dolls as the supporting cast of a TV show or Movie, and the Extras as extras with only a handful of spoken lines.

The narrative is incredibly player driven and can change, so occasionally an Extra can become a Doll if a Bottom spends Drive to create a Relationship with them.

The narrative does not need to be told in a linear fashion, so feel free to do flashback scenes or run two different scenes in parallel when the opportunity arises.