
A Gonzo Science Fantasy Adventure Game

This project is maintained by Transcendent-Tapir


Characters in Distorted Domains are called Travelers, as they are people who travel through the many domains in search of something. They have 3 stats. Strong, Skilled, and Smart. These can represent what you are doing or how you are approaching a task.

Each stat will have a die rating, ranging from d4 to d12, but probably somewhere in the middle. d4 represents a below average ability. d6 is average, d8 is good, d10 is excellent, and d12 is astonishingly good. Each stat also has a harm track associated with it that starts at a d4. When you roll and get a failure or success with consequences, one of your harm tracks will be stepped up. Which harm track gets advanced depends on what is happening within the fiction. Harm tracks represent the fatigue, stress, and injuries that your traveler accumulates as they go on their adventure. The die in your harm track is also used in the oppositions dice pool. If you use strong, the opposition pool gets your Strong harm die.

Aside from stats, travelers also have aspects and assets. Aspects are background details, personality traits, beliefs, and goals. Your traveler will likely have positive and negative aspects. Assets are physical things that your traveler carries with them. All aspects and assets have a die rating, just like stats. Negative aspects will add a die to the opposition pool, while positive aspects and assets will add dice to the players dice pool when they make a roll.

Character Creation

The tables below are used to help you create your traveler. With the stat table, you must choose or roll for a column 1-10, the other tables are there to serve as inspiration and you can come up with your own ideas if you so choose. All tables will have the dice you have to roll listed on them, a d10 means roll a 10 sided die, and a d12 means roll a 12 sided die. Some tables will say something like D44 or D46, this means to roll 2 4 sided dice, or a 4 sided die and a 6 sided die to determine the outcome. This is done in two ways, one is to have one die represent the 10s digit and the other to represent the 1s digit. The other is that one die will be used for the column and the other will be used for the row. Tables that work this way will be the tables that have numbers across both the top and left side.


Each Column 1-10 represents a potential set of stats that you can have. Select or roll a d10 for your stats from the table below. Note that you are rolling or selecting the set of stats below each number.

D10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strong d4 d4 d10 d8 d8 d6 d4 d6 d4 d6
Skilled d4 d10 d4 d6 d4 d8 d8 d4 d6 d6
Smart d10 d4 d4 d4 d6 d4 d6 d8 d8 d6


You start with 3 positive aspects. Roll or select from the tables below, you can also create your own if you wish.

For a D44 table, roll 2d4 where one represents the first digit and the second represents the second digit.

D44 I’m a(n) From
11 Cyborg A high-tech city
12 Shapeshifter An enchanted forest
13 Elf A bubble
14 Crustacean The streets
21 Undead Being A humble farming town
22 Goblin The darkness
23 Cephalopod A space station
24 Human A plane of fire
31 Sentient Mannequin The deep sea
32 Alien A magnificent Kingdom
33 Duck A complex cave system
34 Mermaid A foggy marsh
41 Cryptid A sleept seaside village
42 Demon A floating island
43 Centaur The eternal road
44 Shaved Bear Twisting catacombs
D44 I’m Known as a(n) Job
11 Brutish Chef
12 Cautious Cartographer
13 Determined Inventor
14 Mystical Mechanic
21 Inventive Hunter
22 Charismatic Pirate
23 Resourceful Scientist
24 Focused Mage
31 Reckless Student
32 Cheerful Mercenary
33 Mad Healer
34 Boastful Performer
41 Stoic Naturalist
42 Mysterious Rancher
43 Jovial Pilot
44 Cynical Writer
D12 I’m looking for
1 Riches
2 Power
3 Knowledge
4 Glory
5 Revenge
6 Home
7 Purpose
8 Destiny
9 Love
10 Peace
11 Connection
12 Experience

You can set all your aspects to d6, or lower one of them to d4 in order to raise another to d8.

Negative Aspects

You get 2 negative aspects, both rated at a d6. Negative aspects add a die to the opponents pool. You can create your own, or roll a d6 and d4 on the table below.

What holds you back?

D46 1 2 3 4
1 Knee Injury Fear of Water You’re always angry Your unnerving presence
2 Back Injury Fear of Freezing You always mumble A family Curse that you can’t talk about
3 Shoulder Injury Fear of Open Spaces You talk too much A creature that’s always taunting you
4 Hip Injury Fear of Heights Your snarky attitude Your unpleasant Odor
5 Hand Injury Fear of Darkness Your need to prove yourself Your peculiar toe/fingernails
6 Head Injury Fear of Creepy Crawlies You crack in the most vital moments The disembodied voice of someone from your past

Every aspect is intended to be used as inspiration. You are encouraged to add more detail as you see fit. Maybe being from “the streets” means a favela in Rio De Janero, maybe it means the slums of Neo-Amsterdam, or that you’ve been on the road your entire life. A head injury could be chronic migraines, or a missing eye, or that you were decapitated and your head hasn’t been quite right since it grew back. Looking for love could be a loved one that was taken from you, or it could be a deep longing for a connection that you haven’t found yet.


You start with 2 assets. For each asset, roll a d4 and a d6 on the table below, using the d4 for the 10s place and the d6 for the 1s place. Roll once per column for each asset. You can also simply use the table for inspiration and create your own assets. Set both assets to d6 or one to d4 and one to d8.

D46 thingy thing of stuff
11 Mechanical Stopwatch of Shrinking
12 Silver Dagger of Memory
13 Crystal Helmet of Dinosaurs
14 Vapor Canon of Nanobots
15 Aether Gauntlet of Time
16 Frozen Shield of Foresight
21 Miniature Sword of Mutation
22 Flaming Hammer of Tentacles
23 Feathered Potion of Insects
24 Living Ring of Spores
25 Particle Boots of Lasers
26 Cursed Axe of Speed
31 Shining Scissors of Light
32 Spiked Skillet of Song
33 Hairy Trombone of Shadow
34 Bone Chainsaw of the Void
35 Venomous Spatula of Shrinking
36 Delicious Chain of Meat
41 Floating Teapot of Shedding
42 Bedazzled Lantern of Regeneration
43 Glowing Familar of Sound Manipulation
44 Rubber Pen of Healing
45 Overgrown Cape of Photosynthesis
46 Bloody Tattoos of Binding

Asset names are meant to be evocative and open to interpretation, a Delicious Gauntlet of Insects could be used to lure in tasty edible insects, or it could be a gauntlet that controls insects and is also coincidentally very tasty. Or it could be delicious in the broader sense, like an insect themed glove that is delightful. For each asset, the traveler who receives it should define what it is and how it works the first time they use it. From then on, the asset must follow that definition.

Finishing Up

It’s not at all necessary, but it can be helpful to answer some of the following questions about your character.

These questions, when combined with the aspects of your character can help you create a backstory and connections to other characters. The DM can use this information to give you more opportunities to explore who your character is and what they want. These also help you figure out your characters personality, outward appearance, and just overall vibe.