
Glamorous Gladiators

A distortion dice game of unusual warriors fighting for glory, vengeance, honor, or justice, and looking good doing it.

See the Character Page for character creation rules.

As a distortion dice game, you take an action by first selecting a stat and adding the relevant die to your pool, while the GM adds the associated harm die to their pool. Then each of you add in relevant aspects and assets to increase your odds, and spend Spark for a temporary boost if you want. Then both you and the GM roll your dice pools and keep the highest die. If your die is higher, that’s a success, if you win by 5 or more that’s a critical success, if you tie that’s a success with consequences, and if your dice is lower you lose. A loss means taking harm, which means that your harm track goes up, or your asset gets damaged and the die is lowered.

Your fighting style aspect is used only when you are able to fight in your ideal conditions. If you have to change tactics or fight in unusual conditions, you must spend Spark to use it. Special techniques can be magic spells, power ups, complex movements, enhanced attacks, etc. Notably they can allow you to attack outside of your normal range with your full weapon die.

Inspiration and Advancement will be Spark and Stride


4 weapon ranges: close/melee, reach, projectile, long(sniper)

Each weapon has a preferred range (sometimes multiple). Attacking from that range grants you the full asset die. For each band outside of the weapons preferred range, the die is lowered by one, down to a minimum of d4. Most weapons cannot be used to attack at a range longer than their preferred range.

If someone is engaged with you in combat, and they are not in your range, you have to make a roll to approach them. To help with this, you may have special techniques, you may use scene assets that act as cover or give you unusual movement options, and you can also create an asset for yourself or an ally to use as a distraction or to help them move more quickly.

Rough guide to ranges: